with Al Kustanowitz

Jewish Humor Books by Al Kustanowitz
A Series of Seven Books in Kindle and Paperback Editions
Kindle Edition is Readable on Kindle Fire, iPad, iPhone, iTouch, BlackBerry, Android Tablets and SmartPhones and PC and Mac Computers
Each book contains between 50 and 100 anecdotes and back stories with hyperlinks to more than 3 hours of video clips on the internet.
Volume 1: Old Jokes and New Comedians
Volume 2: Israel is a Funny Country
Volume 3: Humor in Jewish Life (You Can’t Make This Stuff Up)
Volume 4: Jewish Traces in Unexpected Places
Volume 5: Yiddish is a Funny Language
Volume 6: Jewish Holiday Hilarity
Volume 7: Yiddishe Nachas
All seven Kindle editions are available at Amazon.com at $2.99 each
Paperback editions are available at Amazon.com at $3.99 to $4.99 each
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: The Complete Collection is available at $9.99 for the Kindle edition and $15.99 for the paperback edition. It includes:
Complete contents of all seven volumes
More than 400 anecdotes and back stories
More than 20 hours of links to video clips on the Internet
Second Editions of Israel is a Funny Country and Jewish Traces in Unexpected Places
and for your Purim reading pleasure, get 25 years of The Kustanowitz Kronikle - Purim Edition in one volume (paperback only).